Friday, July 27, 2018

Day 100 Is Here!

It is with great thankfulness that we are happy to report Mom has reached day 100 since her bone marrow transplant. This is a huge milestone and we are so thankful to the Lord for His guidance and care through this journey.
Day 100 is the beginning of her medications being reduced. Daily she is on a whole variety of pills, so the less pills she needs to take the better! Reaching day 100 also means her diet can return slowly to normal.  Mom continues on average to go to the hospital once a week to check her levels and to receive magnesium. Her team is very impressed with the progress she has made so far. Her white blood cell count has actually reached a level it hasn't been at for 10 years! If things continue as well as they are going she will only go to the hospital once every 2 weeks.She will continue on anti rejection medication, since like any transplant her body can still reject the transplant. So far we have seen no signs of rejection. 
We are so thankful for all the love and support Mom and Dad have received. The visits and meals have been very much appreciated! We are so thankful to the Lord for His care over Mom, and it is amazing to see His guiding hand over this journey for Mom.

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see"
Hebrews 11: 1